If you're not satisfied with your first order, call 1-800-727-8046
within the first 7 days and we’ll give you a refund. Valid on initial 4-week plans for the first time customers only. Limit one per customer.
The Money Back Guarantee is not valid on Transition and Maintenance plans,or a la carte purchases. Returning customers are ineligible for Money Back Guarantee after initial purchase of a 4-week Nutrisystem plan.
We recommend that you only purchase Nutrisystem® food products from authorized retailers and distributors. For a complete list of authorized retailers and distributors of Nutrisystem® products, please call customer service. We carefully manage these exclusive distribution channels to ensure the authenticity, freshness, quality and safety of its food products.
We don’t recommend buying our food products from unauthorized websites or third parties. Nutrisystem cannot assure you of these products’ authenticity, quality or safety. These food products could be counterfeit, tampered with, damaged or beyond their expiration dates, and should not be eaten.
If you see unauthorized Nutrisystem® food products for sale on the web, please report it to customerservice@nutrisystem.com.
Thank you for allowing us to be your weight loss partner. We are here for you every step of the way!