Couples Lose More Weight Making This One Simple Change

Do you and your partner find yourselves in a bit of a rut? Are you looking for something meaningful to do together? Making this one simple change could be the perfect solution!
The Healthy Change You Both Need to Make
If you're like most couples, nutrition and healthy meal-planning can be a source of stress in your relationship. Whether it's due to lack of time or difficulty finding healthy meals that you both love, day-to-day “dietary disputes” are common.
One way to overcome this hurdle is by signing up for a healthy meal-delivery service. Getting easy meals delivered right to your doorstep takes away so much stress from meal-planning and grocery-shopping, leaving more room for quality time together. Some plans can even help you save money, which is always a plus, especially when you’re trying to stick to a budget!
Improving your nutrition and achieving weight loss goals as a couple also offers a unique way to bond with your partner. You can improve your health and your relationship at the same time.
Achieving healthy goals is so much easier when you have a support system. When you’re trying to lose weight and get healthy, the best people to have on your team and help hold you accountable are those who regularly sit down to meals with you.
In fact, your chances of reaching your weight loss goal increase dramatically if another person in your household joins you on the journey. It’s true: By teaming up on a weight loss plan for two, you and your partner could lose up to 20% more weight than doing it on your own.*
We all have good days and bad days—your accountability partner picks you up when you’re feeling tempted to overindulge, and you do the same when your partner needs the motivation and encouragement to stay on track. This is why weight loss and healthy living are better together, especially when you have the right plan.
Finding the Right
Weight Loss PlanIf you're looking for a way to make your relationship stronger through healthier habits and delicious meals, there’s only one weight loss solution for you: Nutrisystem Partner Plans.
Between the chaos of every—day life, kids, and work it can feel impossible to connect with your partner—let alone have time to prioritize your health. But with the Nutrisystem Partner Plan, you have the ability to do both! Nutrisystem takes the hassle out of preparing healthy meals and gives you back the one thing you can’t replace: Time.
These convenient weight loss plans are designed to encourage both partners to reach their individual weight loss and fitness goals while practicing and learning healthy habits together.
Act Now to Change Your Life!
Find the best plan for you:How it Works

How it Works
Nutrisystem is a meal-delivery service backed by over 50 years of weight loss success. With Partner Plans, you get meals for two people shipped right to your door, making your weight loss journey together convenient and enjoyable. With the quick meals and recipe suggestions, this offers more quality time to spend together.
Every two weeks, you’ll get ready-made Nutrisystem meals and snacks for two people delivered to your door. You and your partner can both order the same foods, or you can each select your own favorites.
Share a meal together with the all-new Meals for Two, included with the Uniquely Yours Max+ Partner Plan and the Uniquely Yours Partner Plan. These Nutrisystem meals provide two servings of the same entrée in one convenient package, creating less waste while saving you time and freezer space. You’ll both love these double-portioned meals!

On Nutrisystem, you’ll get to eat six times a day—that includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus snacks in the morning, afternoon and evening. You’ll get a simple meal plan to follow along with tips and recipes for inspiration!
Your weight loss support isn’t limited to your accountability partner. Enjoy access to Weight Loss Coaches and The Leaf Weight Loss Blog. You also get the FREE NuMi app to track your food and activity, plus additional motivation, tools and fun challenges. Get exclusive access to the Official Nutrisystem Support Community on Facebook!
With an easy-to-follow meal plan, personalized support, helpful resources and delicious food, Nutrisystem helps you and your partner get closer, save time and feel better together. You can take control of your health and reconnect at the same time.
If you and your partner want to eat better, lose weight or just get healthier, the Nutrisystem Partner Plan can help you ignite your relationship with the power of nutrition.
*Scientific literature shows better results among small groups compared to those who tried losing weight alone.